Mountain Buggy ambassador
Melanie Wiltshire, mother of two
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
How having a Mountain Buggy terrain has helped me...
The fact is, having the Mountain Buggy terrain hasn’t just helped me, it’s changed my life. I’ve always been someone who needs to be active. If I go for any time period without exercising, then I’m ratty to say the least. I need to feel the air on my face, my lungs and heart working hard and ideally, the sweat dripping down my back. After I had my first child back in 2014, I attended a Buggy Circuits class with my regular buggy twice a week. After a couple of months of hard graft, I was fit, happy and back to my ‘pre-baby’ bod. Awesome.

This time around, things haven’t been so straight forward. I naively entered into the world of two children under two and reality hit me like a bus. My life admin somehow quadrupled. I was floundering – no, drowning in a miserable sea of nappies, snot, tantrums and sleep deprivation. Oh, and the mum guilt, don’t forget about that! At a time when I needed it most, a little glimmer of ‘me’ appeared when a friend tagged me in Running Buggies post on Instagram, advertising for a Mountain Buggy ambassador. I got excited, really excited, about the prospect of being able to just walk out of the door and run with my baby. So, I put pen to paper and the rest, as they say, is history.
I can safely say that the Mountain Buggy terrain has been everything I hoped and more. It drives like an absolute dream; smooth, easy to push and the hand brake is perfect for navigating the valley that our farm lies in. The endless pockets are so useful for snacks, dummies, water, keys, phone etc. I barely even need to take a changing bag with me these days. The sun shade is superb – it provides brilliant coverage as well as the added bonus of keeping the midges out. The buggy seat is nice and high, which means AJ can see everything, making him very happy (he’s nosy like me!). All in all, it’s incredibly user friendly, proved by the fact that even my mum can operate – her words, not mine!

It’s not just AJ who has enjoyed the terrain. My toddler is nothing short of obsessed with the Mountain Buggy freerider scooter . His beloved ‘lellow’ scooter clips on and off the back of the buggy with ease, and the scooter handle is really easy for him to hold onto – not to mention the fact that the wheels light up. A buggy board and a scooter in one. The people at Mountain Buggy really have thought of everything!
For me, without a doubt the two major things I have gained with this buggy are time and fitness. I can fit in a run whilst my eldest is at preschool without having to drive to find a flat surface. I’ve done a couple of Parkrun events with AJ and have really enjoyed exploring the local footpaths. I’ve entered a 10km run in October, which I’m genuinely excited about – given my favorite distance is the 30m sprint, this is quite a breakthrough!! My energy levels have improved and I feel stronger and calmer. The benefits of even just 15 minutes of head space should not be underestimated; the fact that I can get head space with my little one in tow is a relief. Most of all though, I’m starting to feel like ‘me’ again, which is amazing!
Check out for more great buggy running tips.
Cathy Xia
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