Mountain Buggy Ambassador
Wendy Rumble, mum of two
Maidenhead, United Kingdom
Top ten benefits of buggy running
1) It’s the ultimate way to multitask. Exercising, baby nap time, milk bought and post office trip.
2) Dads can earn brownie points by taking the little one out for a run and giving Mum a break/lie in.
3) When you consider the cost of a crèche at the gym, a running buggy is a far more economical option, working out at about £3 a run for an infrequent runner over a few years.
4) Fresh air rocks! It makes you and your baby feel better mentally. It’s been proven babies who are taken outside in the afternoon sleep better at night!
5) Sunlight- as above, rocks! Vitamin D is essential for those happiness hormones which can suffer when we are sleep deprived. So important that the NHS prescribe children drops these days!
6) Quality time together, chatting (albeit a little breathlessly) about the wildlife you can see or about the park you are including on your route. Especially nice for parents who work full time but want to exercise without the guilt of leaving the kids again.
7) You are setting the perfect example to your children about being fit and healthy. My favourite saying is, they can’t be what they can’t see! It may sound like a cliche but you are their role model and they learn from copying you.
8) Forget having multiple buggies, you can buy a buggy which is your day to day one but also suitable for running with. Many are suitable from birth with carrycots or car seat adapters.
9) Running Buggies hold good value because running is booming in popularity and second hand ones are in demand.
10) Buggy Running makes you faster and stronger! Pushing a load makes it a resistance workout which means when you run solo you can fly along... feeling slightly unsure with what to do with your arms! Happy Buggy Running!

Wendy Rumble started the UK’s first specialist retailer of Running Buggies in 2015. Check out her website to find out more.
Mountain Buggy terrain jogging stroller is the buggy featured in this article.
Cathy Xia
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