juno carrier pilot
Alana Gray, mother of two
Wellington, NZ
When my second child was born, my eldest had just turned 3, and (unfortunately!) decided that she no longer wanted to sleep during the day, no matter how much I tried to convince her otherwise. This meant I often had from 7am to 7pm with her awake and needing to be entertained. I found the best way to do this, and avoid cabin fever, was to get out of the house as much as possible.
With a newborn that needed to sleep a lot I found the easiest way to get out and about was through baby wearing. It meant that we could go anywhere and I could just pop him in the juno whenever he needed to nap. They say that baby carriers are these magical sleep machines and I really found it to be true! I’d pop him in the juno, put the hood up, get walking (or jiggle about a bit!) and voila! He’d be asleep! Allowing us to hit up the playground, zoo, beach or do the kindy drop off/pick up without me worrying about him having his nap.

As he got a bit older and more aware of his surroundings, he’d sometimes decide that naps were overrated, and despite being ridiculously overtired (cue lots of crying!) wouldn’t want to sleep in his cot. Again the juno was a saviour as I could wear it around the house and carry on doing whatever I was doing (the washing, or a sneaky Netflix session) while he napped.
Now that he’s a toddler the juno is still great for us as we can get out and explore places I don’t necessarily want to take the buggy. He now likes to be on my back in the juno so he can see what’s going on over my shoulder and its super easy to get him in and out if he feels like a toddle around!
To learn more on baby wearing, check out juno here.
Cathy Xia
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